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Re: New Member Intro

To: (michael j robson) (michael j robson)
Subject: Re: New Member Intro
From: Sean Bartnik <>
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 98 23:30:53 EST
> >specifically.  Before I get one though, I have a lot to learn, and
> >that's why I've subscribed to this list.  
> You are in the right place though some would contend that you will learn
> more about Frank Zappa, Dr Who and the differences between esoteric
> British beers - this however is part of the learning experience!

Fine with me!  I love a good beer and am always open to suggestions.

> Three that you will need as biblical reading
> 1)"MGB Guide to purchase and restoration" by Lindsay Porter
> 2)"Original MGB " by Anders Ditlev Clausager
> 3)Haynes manual for the MGB
> Portes book is a wealth of information on what to look for when looking
> at prospective cars, it also gives an historical timeline of changes over
> the years, Clausagers book gives a lot more on the specifications of the
> cars and has some beautiful pictures of cars for you to asppire to.The
> haynes manual has all the tech stuff youre likely to need.

Thanks for the book list.  I'll look them up.  I am familiar with Haynes
as I own a Haynes manual both for my Vanagon and also the Karmann Ghia.
I like their manuals, they generally are very thorough.

> They are as reliable as you make them! - many folk still use them as
> daily drivers without any undue calamities though it must be said, they
> aint new and they aint state of the art!!!! - for example, i have three
> so im fairly well assured that one of them will be drivable at any given
> time (except when it snows....) get the picture??

Mmm hmm, well I'm used to that and am well aware that the quality of
maintenance directly affects reliability.  Which is why I maintain the
van and Ghia very well.  

> The do need regular maintenance and certainly 30 year old cmponents are
> going to fail from time to time but they are not complex beasts and you
> obviously have a background in tinkering so i cant think of any special
> caveat you should beware of
> (except RUST RUST and RUST)

I know that already, I own VWs, remember ;-)

> Welcome to the threshold of an MG career! - you will certainly learn a
> great deal from the members of this list and if you take the plunge im
> sure you will enjoy the cameraderie of MG owners both here and at shows
> and the like - 
> You'll also lose all the skin on all your knuckes and find new ways to
> use expletives youd forgotten you knew!

I do the latter already :-) .  I'm looking forward to learning a lot
here.  I have a feeling the MG crowd is somewhat similar to the VW crowd
as far as being a rabid tight-knight bunch of hardcore MG fans :-) .
Speaking of which, how is the parts situation?  Are they available?  Are
they obnoxiously expensive?  Compared to availability of VW parts, if
you know anything about that?


> mike robson
> 69 roadster
> 70 BGT
> 72 roadster


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