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Re: restoring Rosestyle wheels

Subject: Re: restoring Rosestyle wheels
Date: Sun, 01 Mar 1998 14:52:46 EST
  Bolt the wheels onto the car and spin them.  With something steady,
such as a pile of 2x8s or a concrete block, you can then rest a
screwdriver on the block and touch the tip to the revolving wheel. You
want to check for out-of-round (flat spots) and for in-and-out motions to
be sure that the wheels are not bent. If they pass that test, then wash
them carefully and inspect for cracks or any other problems.  The
previous owner may have had a reason to replace them....
  As to the mask, you will find opinions for it and against it. I've
painted the wheels pretty well with masking tape and considerable time.
The mask may reduce the effort. 

On Sun, 01 Mar 1998 12:01:24 -0800 Jason Sawyer <>
>I would like to sandblast and repaint the original Rosestyle wheels on
>my 79 MGB (and throw the generic white five stars across the street)
>Before I invest time and money, how can I find out if they are any 
>I don't want to bother with them if there warped, or out of round, 
>Also is the painting mask advertised in the catalogs a good idea?
>"The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel too fast and
>you miss all you are traveling for."  -Louis L'Amour

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