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Re: Head Gasket Orientation

To: "Chris and Jodi Barnhart" <>,
Subject: Re: Head Gasket Orientation
From: "Paul Hunt" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 20:37:25 -0000
Workshop Manual says the head gasket should be marked "top" and "front", it
also mentions "copper side uppermost".  HTH.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris and Jodi Barnhart <>
To: mgsautoxteamnet <>
Date: 11 March 1999 03:20
Subject: Head Gasket Orientation

>Hi all,
>I'm in the middle of an engine rebuild.  I am about to drop the head
>back on when I notice that the head gasket doesn't indicate which side
>is up or which way 'round is front.  The only marking is the
>manufacturing date.  It can go either of two ways, the only difference I
>see is the way the metal lip is formed around the cylinder cutouts. The
>smooth unbroken metal lip is on the side opposite of the manufacturing
>date. The side with the Manuf date has separate metal "bridges" between
>the cylinders.  Either way 'round all the water ports, etc. match up.
>Any clues?
>Chris '69B
>Geneseo, IL

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