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RE: Turn signal blinking

Subject: RE: Turn signal blinking
From: "Peter C." <>
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2000 09:51:18 -0500
        Hans is correct that the problem is likely connectors, if the bulbs all
work. These flashers have a bi-metallic spring which when energized heats
up and opens and closes the circuit. If there is greater resistance either
with bad bulbs (more bulbs as trailers), connections, etc, then it heats
more quickly causing faster switching.
        Peter C
At 09:03 AM 4/5/2000 , wrote:
>Looks like the problem I've been troubleshooting last friday on my brothers
>Probable the left ones are the poorest performers.
>Check your contacts especially grounds:
>Central on the inside trunk rear panel 
>Depends of the front ground points - my brothers '66 Midget had faulty
>contacts on the bullet connectors just behind the grille under the bonnet
>Good luck.
Subject: Turn signal blinking
>Good morning lists:
>What would cause the left and right turn signals to bling at significantly
>different intervals?  Left is much faster than the right.  The hazard light
>seems to be working properly, and blinks at an appropriate rate.  There are
>no other electrical rpoblems of which I am aware, with the excpetion of non
>functioning reverse indicators and one license plate illuminator broken.
>Also, where is the blinker unit located on a '74 Midget?  
        Follow the sound.
Can it be replaced (if need be) with a modern generic blinker unit?
>'74 Midget
>'68 Sprite

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