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RE: MGB windscreen Mama said there would be days like this!

To: "rexcats" <>, <>
Subject: RE: MGB windscreen Mama said there would be days like this!
From: "Larry Hoy" <>
Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 11:11:50 -0600

LOL, this job is the hardest thing to do on an MGB, just think everything else 
will be easy!

>So then I guess you all had a good chuckle thinking wait until she tries to 
>put it back on
the car!<LOL>

Yep, been wait'n for this ...

>I decided not to put sealant under the seal as I could not figure how to do it 
>out getting it all over the car, instead I am going to wait a few months and
>try then hoping that the seal will have worked itself into a memory
>position and be easier then, is that the way anyone else has done this?

Yes, but you forgot the next critical question; "Did it work"?


You'll likely need to use some type of sealant.  I used DumDum, or is that 
dumdum, or
Dumdum?  Its a sealer commonly used in automobiles, I got a big gob of it from 
my dad years
ago, it might be available at auto parts stores or maybe a paint shop.

In the meantime be prepared for some leaks .... <G>

Glad to hear it's on!  It's all down hill from here ...

Larry Hoy
Plan on attending the 49th Annual Glenwood Rallye

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