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Re: need a shot of ambition???

To: Barrie Robinson <>, Larry Colen
Subject: Re: need a shot of ambition???
From: Hans Duinhoven <>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 21:38:22 +0100
Luck guy you are Barrie!
My wife even does not want to travel with my BGT.
This is due to the famous MGB roar - she's deaf and has an ear aid, which
seems to amplify these tones terribly for her. So what's music for me, it is
a nightmare for her.



'71 BGT - had a great drive this weekend in lovely spring weather

----- Original Message -----
From: "Barrie Robinson" <>
To: "Larry Colen" <>; "Zubrovka" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 11:17 PM
Subject: Re: need a shot of ambition???

> Thank god my wife really understands what it is all about !!  She
> encourages me to get on with my MGB GT V8 build.  She even told me to take
> the "holiday" money !!!  This maybe because she has seen other wives
> husbands to golf, skiing (and boy they can be REAL expensive) and short
> skirted office "colleagues".  She has a friend whose husband stops in at
> the pub EVERY day and has a few (plus beer and wine for dinner) and this
> calculates out to more than my MGB.   Another point is that some of the
> money spent on a restoration job is recoverable which is not the case with
> green fees, ski lift charges, bar bills, and fancy presents for "obliging"
> ladies!  One of her yoga students told her that her husband goes away for
> every second week-end to go skiing.
> At 01:58 PM 3/22/2003 -0800, Larry Colen wrote:
> >On Sat, Mar 22, 2003 at 03:19:30PM -0500, Zubrovka wrote:
> >
> >
> > > I was standing there looking at the interior and my wife walks in and
> > > says "Is that Emmy?"  (name we called the MG back when she was
> > > running in the early 80's) and I say "yep" and the wife says, "what a
> > > hunk of junk, why don't you find something that looks like a car"
> > > then she walked out.  I looked at the lil car and patted it on the
> > > trunk lid and whispered "she didn't mean it".  I mean the car
> > > actually looked worse after the name calling.
> > > I got to thinking, this is where a lot of people give up on their
> > > projects, when people who matter to them make hurtful remarks.
> > > So what do y'all do?
> > > It made me have more resolve to fix the car.
> > > I have very good memories of jauntily driving down country lanes in
> > > Anyhow, just wondering how y'all cope with the down side.
> > > John
> > >
> >
> >When I was married, I started a massive restoration project on my
> >MGBGT. I got about to the point of everything being torn apart, though
> >I owned most of the new engine parts, when I found out that my wife
> >had managed to not only spend all of our money, but max out my credit
> >as well, putting a halt to the project. To make a long story short, I
> >still have the MG and just got back from a short test drive.
> >
> >There are many things that can be done to rejuevenate your enthusiasm
> >that are less expensive than divorce, however. First of all, what is
> >the condition of the bodywork?  I got mine painted at Earl Scheib for
> >about $220. It's definitely a 20/20 paintjob, (looks fine from 20 feet
> >away as she drives by at 20 MPH), but it's a MAJOR improvement over
> >what she was.
> >
> >Just getting the car running and going for a drive is another major
> >boost to ones enthusiasm.  About three years ago I finally decided
> >that I'd never be able to do all of the things I wanted to do in the
> >restoration, but it wouldn't be that hard/expensive to get the car
> >back on the road. As expected, getting her on the road took about four
> >times as much money and hours of work as expected, but I had a running
> >MG again.
> >
> >Then again you could mention to your wife that the car does take a
> >fair amount of money and time but it's still less expensive and bother
> >than a mistress.
> >
> >HTH,
> >   larry
> >
> >
> >--
> >I've found something worse than oldies station that play the music I used
> >listen to. Oldies stations that play the "new" music I used to complain
> >
> >
> Regards
> Barrie
> Barrie Robinson

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