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Re: New guy on the list

Subject: Re: New guy on the list
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 14:22:48 US/Mountain
> > Then again, the Porsche guys don't have to be as
> > tight-knit.  Their cars always run right!  :)
> LOL!  Good observation.  Same with the BMWs.
> People just don't understand.  My neighbors can't
> fathom why I don't own a Lexus like God.....(?)

DOubt anyone will be collecting a lexus in the future.  Even things like 
jaguars - an early 70's xj6 or xj12 is virtually worthless.  The real high 
end doesn't generallyhave a great resale market.  Here I say that, and I 
have a '75 XJ12C that I'm dumping entirely too much money into for 
restoration. People don't collect rolls royces - you can get a '70's rolls 
for less than $30K, and usually less than $20K

And I have a porsche 911T (it's an old one though) - guess what, it 
doesn't always run right, but it usually does, and it is my winter driver 
(great traction with the studded snow tires).  I also have a friend with a 
couple BMW's from the late 80's, and the weird stories I could tell you - 
you don't even want to know.  Mostly electrical issues - sound familiar??

All in all, our little MGs are pretty stable reliable cars.  They've fully 
depreciated, and they aren't going to lose much value - even if we can put 
3-5 times what they are worth into them.


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