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Re: White-faced Clock.

Subject: Re: White-faced Clock.
From: (Fred H. Birkbeck)
Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 18:52:30 +1000

When I was missing some instruments for my 51 +4 I contacted Melvyn Rutter =
and he picked me up a 4 section Instrument  (oil. amps, temp etc.) and a me=
chanical tacho, apparently from a Belgian Swap Meet, then he had the instru=
ments (along with my speedo & clock) refurbished and screen printed.  The c=
ost was high (about =241600 all up by the time I paid the exorbidant import=
 duty here in Australia).  The quality of the screen printing was not too g=
ood, but from a distance (the driver's seat)  they look great.

He may be worth contacting via fax.

Trust this may be of assistance.

Best regards,  Fred Birkbeck.=20

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