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Re: Spindles

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Spindles
From: "Greg Solow" <>
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 1999 23:09:24 -0800
The +8 style or heavy duty spindles are larger diameter.  Standard stub axle
are 5/8 inch at the outer bearing , heavy duty stub axles are 3/4 inch at
the outer bearing.  The inner part of the stub axle is also larger by at
least the same incremental amount.  I have no experience with heat treating
the spindles.  Ujp to this point I have not heard of this being done by
anyone.  Have you done so?  what were your results?

Regards, Greg Solow
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 1999 4:21 PM
Subject: Spindles

> Bretheren Moggers:
> Could anyone tell me what the difference is between the + 8 spindles and
> those that are on my ~66 4/4.  I know that the metalurgy was lousy in the
> older cars but is there something else?  Simply heat treating the older
> spindles cured them of the flex and break habit yet I see cars advertised
> having + 8 spindles as though they are something special.
> Thanks:
> Don

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