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Morgan Tool Kits

Subject: Morgan Tool Kits
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 14:19:57 EDT
The following is a duplicate of something I posted a few days ago.  Sorry to 
repeat, but I think my subscription may have been terminated.  If you 
responded to the original please do it again.  Maybe that's why it has been 
so quiet.

Been kinda quiet of late so let me start something.

I have had Morgan 4/4 for several years now.  It recently dawned on me that 
it came to me without its factory issue tool kit.  Now this tool kit may have 
been primative, insufficient and perhaps crude, but it was the kit the car 
left the Works with in the boot.  I have decided to try and reassemble a MOG 
toolkit that comes close to factory.  So, does anyone have a listing of what 
was in the factory issue tool kit?  A picture (digital of course) of a proper 
kit?   Any info would be most helpful.

Richard Cooperman
67' 4/4 sans tool kit

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