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Re: Horrible Freight Arc Welder question.

To: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <wsthompson@thicko.com>, "'Bud Osbourne'"
Subject: Re: Horrible Freight Arc Welder question.
From: Billy Zoom <billyzoom@billyzoom.com>
Date: Thu, 03 May 2007 09:04:13 -0700
I have no sympathy for those of you who have just recently started wearing
reading glasses. I had bad eyesight to begin with and I haven't seen a
dashboard in twenty years. I have one pair of glasses for driving, another
pair for reading, another pair for the computer, and another pair for seeing
what's on the shelf when I shop. It still isn't enough for many situations.
> About 5 years ago, my close up vision went to hell

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