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Re: Idling problems

To: "Bryon K. Fortney" <bfortney@us.oracle.com>
Subject: Re: Idling problems
From: James Barrett <jamesbrt@mindspring.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 09:18:41 -0500
At 10:07 PM 2/17/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>Took the advice of several people and replaced the power valve in the
>carb.  Started it up, warmed it up and got it to idle nicely at about
>850 RPM.  Thought I did it.  Took it out for a brief ride around the
>neiborhood and started to stall at idle again.  Brought it home checked
>all the levels, adjusted the idle mixture again with no help.
>Also, I have reconnected all the electronic ignition connections. I have
>check all possible vacuum leaks.  I agree with most an electronic
>ignition works or it does not so I do not think this is where the
>problem is.
>Joe or Rob, can I borrow your carb?
>Any idea's appreciated.
>Bryon K. Fortney
        On my HOLLY carb, I somehow got a single grain of
sand inside the front metering plate.  This would sometimes
block one of the tiny metering holes in the metering
block and the Tiger would not idle.  Using carb cleaner
in a spray can and squarting the fluid down the 4 bleed
holes at the front top edge of the front 2 barrels I could sometimes
knock it loose and I would be good for a while. The "while"
was from 30 seconds to 2 weeks.  Was sometimes able to
see the grain of sand, but was unable to remove it.
        I finally gave up and replaced the carb.  I also
put an inline filter next to the carb.
No more problems for 3 years so far.
        Note that if the idle adjust screws do not have
similar response when adjusting them, then something is
clogging up your idle circuits.

James Barrett Tiger II 351C and others

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