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Re: rack & pinion for ackerman mods

To: sosnaenergyconsulting <sosnaenergyconsulting@cox.net>
Subject: Re: rack & pinion for ackerman mods
From: Larry Paulick <larry.p@erols.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 18:17:21 -0800
Dave, what I did was install a zerk fitting, and fill the R&P with Mobil 
1 synthetic grease till it came out everywhere, then installed new 
boots.  Works just fine.


sosnaenergyconsulting wrote:
> Hi Arnie:
> I bought my R& P sight unseen.  It's generally in okay condition, but 
> I've since found out that the rack arm is a little sloppy on one side. 
> The 'fix' is evidently to take the ball and socket apart and mess about 
> with shims to make things a bit tighter again.  I'm trying to figure out 
> how to get the darned ball housings apart!  There's special tools 
> involved and since I don't have any, we're trying to make something that 
> will do the job.
> So I guess my thoughts would be that if you can physically inspect the 
> R&P first that would be best, and check the 'play' in the rack arms. If 
> they seem excessively loose, you might want to see if you can find one 
> that won't need disassembly in that particular area.
> Oh, you are looking for a pre-'70 R&P, right?  I believe that's the type 
> that Dale recommends.
> Best of luck with the project.
> Actually, this leads to a general question to the list:  There's an oil 
> nipple on these sprite racks for putting in the 90 wt oil.  Can I use a 
> grease gun and fill it with oil, or will the oil just ooze out of the gun?
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards
> David Sosna
> Arnie Sugar wrote:
>>I'm looking at a couple of MG midget rack& pinions on ebay, for the
>>ackerman mod.  I'm a little nervous about buying one sight unseen - any
>>thoughts on whether its better to get one at a junkyard where I can
>>check it out, vs. by mail?  The local brit junkyard is pretty proud of
>>their used parts, I think you get a jar of Grey Poupon with each part.
>>What are the things to look for?  I'm assuming it will need a rebuild,
>>any advice on doing this myself, or should I just get a rebuilt unit,
>>and if so, from where? So many questions...
>>Arnie Sugar



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