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Re: Pumping Gas

To: crbernardino@mac.com, CoolVT@aol.com
Subject: Re: Pumping Gas
From: "Robert Bridgeford" <bobbridgeford@msn.com>
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 18:24:43 -0700
The Oregon law is an employment law. The major oil companies have attempted 
to overthrow it twice by hiring paid petition collectors and putting it on 
the general ballot using the initiative process.  They have then run 
campaigns saying that gas would be cheaper for Oregonians if we would pump 
it ourselves.  You can guess how much credibility the gas companies have 
with most voters ....  the issue was soundly defeated both times. And gas is 
usually cheaper here than it is in both CA and WA .  Unions were not 
involved...these minimum wage jobs are not covered by any oreganized labor 
group.  We just think it isn't much fun to pump gas in the rain, and there 
are real safety issues as others have pointed out on this list.  Moste 
drivers are not nearly as savvy about mechanical devices as Tiger folks.

Bob Bridgeford
541 549 9539
Sisters OR 97759

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