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RE: Secrets of Solo Racing book: A worthwhile investment?

To: autox <>
Subject: RE: Secrets of Solo Racing book: A worthwhile investment?
From: "Chan, Albert (GEP)" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 17:30:11 -0400
I got mine about eight years ago. I still go back and review it at least once
a year, along with my Dick Turner book. While each of us may or may not agree
with certain points, I feel that it does make me think about what I should be
or shouldn't be doing behind the wheel. And, FWIW, I think that type of
introspective review makes the book worthwhile, and, hopefully, me as a driver
faster and more consistent.

Al Chan

-----Original Message-----
From: Crooke John []
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 1999 3:50 PM
To: autox
Subject: Secrets of Solo Racing book: A worthwhile investment?

Secrets of Solo Racing, by Henry Watts, has been on a list of
publications that I put together when I wrote the Autocross FAQ a few
years ago.

I have never read the book myself, and since I just found it on sale at, I wondered if it was really worth buying. At the
price listed on the site ($11.96 + $3.95 S&H), it's not that much of a
risk. Price at $11.96 + $3.00 S&H

Who has read it, and would you really recommend it?


John Crooke
HS Honda Accord
Silver Spring, Maryland

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