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Re: Marque Clubs

Subject: Re: Marque Clubs
From: Paul Foster <>
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 10:52:33 -0500 wrote:
> Do you really think that the classes are stagnant?  Should civic Sis compete
> against  Neon ACrs because they were competitive in 1986?

I think the bar has been raised way, way, too high for most of the other
HS cars. What chance does a Pinto or a TR4 have against it? Why isn't it
cannon fodder in ES instead? Why isn't it Bobbed into obscurity like
many other cars? Politics? 

I am not saying that the SCAC or SEB are doing anything unethical. I am
simply stating that when it comes right down to it that decisions get
made based on more than empirical data. We all have our prejudices.
Personally, I think the members of these committee members should be
elected by the Solo II community because they are our effective
legislators. We revolted from England for less. :)

Personally, I think cars should be ranked based on actual times. If
someone shows up at Topeka and gets TTOD in the stock class in a Hyundai
Stylus then every Hyundai Stylus owner in the country is just going to
have to run in SS. What happened this year in SS is a great example. I
suspect that courses that were faster than the average Solo II had
something to do with it, but there it is. The C5 Corvette and the
Boxster S are faster than the RX7TT. Who woulda thought? I am still

Paul Foster

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