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RE: SFR Calendar for 2001 is posted

To: "John Kelly" <>, <>
Subject: RE: SFR Calendar for 2001 is posted
From: "Navid Kahangi" <>
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 18:55:00 -0800

Please tell me what I said that was not polite.  You should know me better
than that by now!  My original post started by saying "I fully appreciate
the hard work that went into obtaining that site".  I do appreciate the
effort because I HAVE been looking and there isn't anything in the bay area.
My girlfriend and I have checked out every big patch of parking lot in the
South Bay visible from the airplane.

What I'm asking is, can we PLEASE schedule more events at Marina or Mather?

I like this club, I like the people I run with, and I don't want to see them
migrate to other clubs just to run on better surfaces.  Please don't make me
out to be a bad guy because of that!


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of John Kelly
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2000 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: SFR Calendar for 2001 is posted

-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------

Message text written by

"Okay, Navid, find us a better site in the Bay Area.  I'm your fearless
more because nobody else wants to work their ass off only to get bitched at

about this, that or the other thing.

-------------------- End Original Message --------------------

Especially when it's not couched in polite terms and the person doing the
complaining has done little or nothing to help us find another site that
would meet his criteria.

--John Kelly

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