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RE: I hate trucks!!!!

To: <>
Subject: RE: I hate trucks!!!!
From: "Matthew A. Smith" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 17:42:58 -0400
Here in Chattanooga, they get to wear a bright orange vest which says "I'm a
drunk driver" on the back... while they pick up trash along the side of the

I'm being a LITTLE hypocritical here. I have had 3 DUI's in my younger days.
That's why I didn't drive for over 10 years. Tough thing living in L.A! I
don't do it anymore (the drunk driving, not the drinking, or the driving.
Still do those... just not at the same time... ever... never again).

I lived half of my life in the San Francisco Bay Area. I still don't know
why anyone would WANT to drive a truck like that anywhere west of Castro
Valley... where you can still find a good mud hole to romp in! 

As far as drivers go, ever been to Dallas? The place is INSANE when it comes
to BIG Trucks, and lane changes. Last time I was there, I was just sure that
the drivers there were playing a game called "lets all change lanes...NOW!".
EVERYONE wanted to win! I doubt Loreli will EVER see Dallas for that reason.

Tennessee has rules that you are to stay in the right hand lane unless
passing. It works well for me. Since I'm often passing everyone, I stay in
the left lane. Someone comes up behind me? I'm out of their way! It's only

I also ALWAYS have my headlights on. It's just one more hint that I'm there,
getting ready to go flying by your sky high F350 (or lil' Miyata!)  :-)

Matt Smith
And Loreli (She's a 70' Silver Solex)

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Pete Peters
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 9:09 PM
Subject: RE: I hate trucks!!!!

I also like the way they (i.e. Australia) publish convicted drunk driver
names in the paper and paint their cars orange...or so I heard.

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