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RE: Roll bars in big healeys - any experiences?

To: "John P. New" <jnew@hazelden.ca>
Subject: RE: Roll bars in big healeys - any experiences?
From: "Ron Davies" <rdavies1@cox.net>
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 09:06:11 -0700
OK, of course not THAT long. And ALWAYS tuck it into your jacket, like you
are supposed to for proper style.
Healey owners are smart enough. I'll agree that snoopy was the wrong word to
use. What is the proper British word for a two foot scarf?
Also, don't ride escalators with your shoes untied.
Don't lay down on an escalator with long hair, etc.
Ron :-)


NEVER wear a scarf in a convertible, especially a snoopy-like scarf that
dangles behind you. Have you ever noticed how close your neck is to the
rear wheels??

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