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RE: Austin Healey 100

To: "'Charley Braum'" <cbaustin@verizon.net>
Subject: RE: Austin Healey 100
From: "Michael Salter" <michaelsalter@rogers.com>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 22:28:17 -0500
A little fuel for the fire perhaps. 
The cover of the Driver's Handbook (Part Number AKD3915A) bares the title
AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 MKS I AND II and there are several references to Mk I
throughout the book. 
I have yet to find a reference to a 100/4 in any Austin literature.

The list is really quiet. Is there an election or something going on? :-^)

Michael Salter

-----Original Message-----

    And, Tom Felts, wasn't this exact same question raised about the 3000 MK

    Inquiring minds want to know,


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