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Re: expensive spit

To: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Subject: Re: expensive spit
From: "Brad Kahler" <brad.kahler@141.com>
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 13:42:09 -0600
> > That $12,000 for the spitfire was spent over a period of 10 years.  If I
> > was to have spent that chunk all at once on a spitfire I might have had
> > second thoughts <G>.
> Brad,
> No you wouldn't have!  My (now over) $15,000 was spent on my Spit in a
> period of the past 2 years and while I certainly wish I had that money in
> my pocket at this moment, I didn't even think about it while it was flying
> out the window.
> I think the trick is not to total it up until the project is complete!

True, I didn't bat an eye as each bill came in. Just paid it and was happy 
that I was a little closer to having the car on the road.  

I'd probably have closer to the $15,000 like you do but that would be 
including a bunch of tools I bought to work on the car.  Compressor, 
welder, torch, etc.  I can't justify making the spit pay for them when I'm 
using them on my dodge truck and the other Triumphs.

Brad  (Lincoln Nebraska 402-464-1502)
My 1st attempt at a web site. Http://www.141.com/triumphs

1964  Spitfire4            BFC25720L
1962 TR4                   CT288L (To Maine or bust)
1959 TR3A                  TS41311L (someday)
1951 Dodge Truck    82217766  B-3-B-108 

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