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RE: Vinyl (or other) Upholstery

To: "'triumphs@autox.team.net'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>,
Subject: RE: Vinyl (or other) Upholstery
From: Scott Hall <sch8489@garnet.acns.fsu.edu>
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 00:54:50 -0500
along this line, has anyone changed from vinyl to leather seats?  I know =
some spitfires (at least, probably other triumphs too) came with leather =
as o.e., but where would I find a decent reupholstering kit for leather? =
 I think I heard some place in england makes 'em (forget the name) and =
vicky brit lists a black/black kit for something like $400, so there =
must be something about it to justify the extra $200 (the nice lady who =
answered the phone there couldn't say).  any experiences out there?  I =
gotta redo my seats anyway, figure I might as well go all out...



p.s.  in case I'm wrong about leather being o.e.m., I _swear_ I won't do =
it.  just don't flame me...  please...  I won't even change the original =
color.  I left the generator on it!  and I definitely _don't_ want to =
put a judson superchager in it.  honest.=20

Michael Ferguson wrote:
> Anyone out there in cyberland ever change the color of vinyl seats? =
> considering the purchase of a TR3, but would prefer black to the =
> gray upholstery. If you've done it, 1) were you pleased with the
> results, 2) how long did it last and 3) did you attempt to do the =
> in a contrasting color?
> Any advice appreciated - except, "buy a new upholstery kit"...I know
> about that option! 8^) Thanks, all.............
> --
> Michael Ferguson
> Vernon CT

George Richardson
The Wyvern - '57 TR3, TS15559L - Now on the road!

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