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Re: Painting my Spit

To: PVanDuyne@aol.com
Subject: Re: Painting my Spit
From: Susan Hensley <susan@bearcom.com>
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 08:57:19 -0600

I am so sorry about your mishap!  But, it gives you a good chance to
decide what YOU want to do to YOUR car.  My very strong feelings are to
go with what YOU like.  You are the owner, and you will be looking at
the car every day and enjoying it, so do what you like to it.  A minor
deviation like shades of brown should not be a major stress point!  But
nor should be making any major change, either.  It's your car, make it
how you enjoy it!

I apologize to all of you purists out there, but you know my Elliott is
The Working Spit, and I'll NEVER spend 6 hours under the suspension with
a Q-tip getting ready for a show.  I enjoy the feeling of driving my
car, and I really get a charge out of seeing him each time I open the
garage.  He runs great, looks good, and sounds wonderful.  That's what
it's all about to me.  Keep 'em on the road, and don't stress about what
is absolutely original and what isn't! 

Keep Triumphing (Nomex on!),
Susan Hensley   :)

PVanDuyne@aol.com wrote:
> Listers,
> Last summer I rear ended another car and destroyed the nose of my Russet Brown
> 1980 Spit.
> After a few quick kick in the pants I decided to fix the car. The bonnet is
> repaired with new metal and now I have to repaint. I plan to do the complete
> exterior and keep the car brown, but I am not very fond of the Russet Brown
> (Code 93) shade. What do all of you think about my switching to Sienna Brown
> (Code 23) exterior only? I realize that a pure restoration would not allow
> this but the car already has some departure from original in the exhaust and
> emission systems. I have yet to see a Sienna Brown car but the paint chips I
> have I think I like. This is probably an irreversible decision so I wanted
> your input.
> Thanks in advance
> Pete
> Russet Brown                                93  205      AAE             24378
> Sienna Brown                  All 70-73     23           AAN             23406

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