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RE: Argggg, first down time with my baby ... clutch issues

To: "'Johnnie Blaze'" <johnblaze@vrk11.com>,
Subject: RE: Argggg, first down time with my baby ... clutch issues
From: Davies William-qswi646 <William.M.Davies@motorola.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 14:40:54 +0100
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Johnnie Blaze [mailto:johnblaze@vrk11.com]
> I managed to scoot it over to checker where in my ignorance I 
> purchased
> some 80w 90 gear oil to fill the master back up.  

Hi Chad,
        Whatever the cause, you will now need to rebuild the entire clutch
hydraulics (there's not much to it) as you have contaminated the system with
gear oil where you should have Brake/Clutch fluid. The gear oil goes into
the transmission mechanism - the hydraulic system is entirely independant of
this and the fluids should not cross contaminate. Even flushing the system
is no good as the gear oil will attack the rubber seals.
        Having said all that, dismantling the system is not difficult -
there are 3 basic components, these being the Master cylinder (connected to
the paedal), the Slave Cylinder (operates the clutch) and the pipe which
runs between them. If you're lucky you will probably get away with flushing
the system thoroughly to remove all contamination then rebuilding each of
the cylinders with new sealing rubbers - it's failure of these rubbers which
will have caused the leak in the first place. If the metal bores of the
cylinders appear to be damaged in any way then you will need to buy new
cylinders. The cylinder rebuild is detailed in the appropriate workshop
manual, if you get stuck there's plenty of people here who'll help!


   /              \ 
 _/                \_     If you prick us, do we not bleed?
/  \______________/  \    If you tickle us, do we not laugh?
\__/ _____  _____ \__/    If you poison us, do we not die?
|    \    ||    /    |    and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?
| = A \___||___/ A = |  
 | |              | |   
 |_|              |_|

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