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First tune up update

Subject: First tune up update
From: (Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles )
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 95 11:08:50 EST

 To:    Triumph List,           Inet    

On Tues,  GBSimcoe wrote:

The fuel filter  change was a bit exciting since I decided to
ignore the Bentley  advice to clamp off the hose.... I just
couldn't see how gas  could come out without the pump working!  I
now see the point of  gravity feed after fuel poured from the
line!  Joe and I looked a  bit like Abbott and Costello as he
rushed to the rescue to plug  it up with his finger while I
hurriedly attached the new filter.   The fumes were a bit heady
there for a while!  Question #2:   Still want to clean the filter
inside the fuel pump and since it  was a bit higher I thought that
maybe I still wouldn't need to  clamp off that hose, but as I
began to undo the nut on top, you  know what began to flow from
the top--- so what do you use to  clamp off that little hose tight
enough to stop the flow and  without damaging it?  


I have always had great sucess using a simple pair of medical
foreceps, the same type used in operating rooms by doctors.  They
have tremendous clamping power, yet rarely damage rubber hoses,
etc.  The clamping force is adjustable by the simple "stepped"
locking ridges on the inside edge of the handles.  Best of all,
foreceps come in about 50 different shapes and sizes.  I two pair
in my tool box, one long straight pair and a shorter curved pair. 
They are also good for retrieving small parts that have fallen
into little cracks and crevices.  You should check your local
yellow pages directory under the heading "Medical Supplies" -- you
local medical supply shop usually will carry them.  Beware, they
are not cheap. A good pair of foreceps will set you back at least
$25 to $30 and some are even more expensive.  Nevertheless, they
are invaluable.

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire Mk. I, 68 Datsun 1600 Roadster and a cat named

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