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Re: We lose more TR7's this way....

Subject: Re: We lose more TR7's this way....
From: dan parslow <DJP@ALPHA.SUNQUEST.COM>
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 1995 15:25:28 -0700 (MST)
> I can't even contemplate how many MkII and S-type Jags have 'died' this way,
> anyone seen '11 Harrow House'?

What bothers me is the way Hollywood generally handles a scripted
scene that calls for the destruction of some sort of 'Supercar'.
They go looking around for a relatively affordable but classy-
looking imported sportscar to [ blow up / throw off cliff / drive 
into bridge stanchion ], and what do they come up with every time? 

  An E-type Jag!  Every single razzafriggin' time! 

I think a notable percentage of EJags have perished at the hands
of Hollywood effects producers...   Never mind The Italian Job,
that was "artistically valid" <grin>, done by Twickenham not
Unholywood, and one of the two Es was later resurrected and is
merrily on the road today.

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