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Re: Electric "fool" pumps

To: Nick Benson <grayoak@holly.ColoState.EDU>,
Subject: Re: Electric "fool" pumps
From: "Chris Kantarjiev" <>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 11:39:25 -0800 " digest #63 Mon Dec 4 02:35:02 MST 1995" (Dec 4, 2:35am)
References: <>
There's a web page about this in the SOL Tech area;

The short summary is, "yes", it's fairly common to do, and yes, they'll help
with vapor lock if they're installed well (that mostly means putting them close
to the gas tank where they have a *cool* supply of fuel).

For a Spit, I'd buy a solid state Facet and install it in the trunk or on the
left hand frame rail near the axle. Make up a small stone shield, and use the
inline filter that Facet recommends.

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