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Re: TR3 Jack

To: (Jack I Brooks),
Subject: Re: TR3 Jack
From: (TeriAnn Wakeman)
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 1996 05:42:02 -0800
At 12:06 AM 11/1/96 -0500, Jack I Brooks wrote:
>Fellow TR3 owners,
>Help!  I have the correct jack, with the ratcheting wrench and the cast
>hook on the side, but have no clue about where one would put it to lift
>the car.  At home I can use any multitude of jacks, but I would rather
>not have to carry other jacks for a possible "on the road" tire change.
>Where can I fit the jack without risk to body panels?
>Jack Brooks
>Hillsdale, New Jersey
>1960 TR3-A TS69032L
>'74 Norton Commando Roadster

Pull back your front rubber mats/carpets.  You should see a large rubber
plug on each side. remove one of the rubber plugs.  You will see the jack
point on that side.  The jack goes through the hole inside the car and
lifts up a whole side of the car.  I hope a PO didin't glue down a carpet.

Now, going for extra credit points...

If you look at the rear of the transmission cover, you will find another
plug to the rear on top.  This is for you to lube the front 'U' joint.

On the top of the steering shaft near the distributer is a small rubber
plug.  This is for adding oil to the steering gears.

Tere are also 4 rubber drain tubes you should keep an eye on & make sure
stay unblocked,  Two are under the scuttle behind the instrument panel.
One drains the battery tray, the other drains the scuttle vent tray.  The
two at the rear drain the rim around the boot.

I suggest that you invest in a reprint of the cubby box manual.  It
explains all this and more.  It also has a CORRECT wiring diagram for your
car.  The one in the Roadster Factorys glover box companion has at least
one error.


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