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Re: Marvel Mystery Oil!?

Subject: Re: Marvel Mystery Oil!?
From: (Shane F. Ingate)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 96 14:34:15 PST
        >DUHART JOHN wrote:
        >>  ...TR6 ... removed the Gas tank last night.  I am very worried about
        >> the empty gas tank rusting, so I asked a mechanic friend what he
        >> recommended  to prevent rust in the tank.  He said to use Marvel 
        >> Oil.  I bought a can and put about half in and sloshed it around.

        Kenneth B. Streeter wrote:

        >I have never used Marvel Mystery Oil for the above application, but
        >do use it regularly as the fluid in the carburetor dampers.  It
        >works well for this application, and helps to keep the engine
        >clean, at least with the rate at which it leaks out from my carbs...

At a recent local Pantera club monthly meeting, we had a fellow from a
gasoline research organization.  He spoke of Marvel Mystery Oil,
saying it was developed during WWII for aircraft gas applications
(sorry, I've forgotten why).  However, he did add that the new gas
that is now sold in California has also the deletarious affect (in
addition to rotting older rubber gas lines) of exacerbating rust 
in fuel tanks, and that several oz's of MMO every few tankfuls helps
prevent this rot.

        Shane Ingate in San Diego.

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