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Re: Convertable Tops

Subject: Re: Convertable Tops
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 17:22:11 -0500 (EST)

Regarding your question about JC Whitney tops, I've got one on my '72 Spit
driver. They are manufactured by a company named Crown, somewhere in the
mid-west--can't remember just where, right off hand. The quality is really no
better or no worse than any comparably priced top. I got mine on one of
Whitney's sales for about $149 + S/H. Don't count on any usable
instructions--the top comes with general hints on how to install this (1500)
top on a MK 1. After installing mine, I wrote a note to the manufacturer
about the problem--never heard back from them, of course. Fit wise, new is
fine, but prone to slight shrinkage within the first few months. Mine's been
on, and outside, now (no garage, in the sun, rain, snow, and crow crap) for
about a year-and-a-half with no signs of breakdown. Even with Whitney's
lifetime guarantee (??), if you can afford the extra 60 - 70 bucks for a
different premium quality top, that would probably represent a better buy. 

I'll reiterate your problems with Mobil 1. The stuff came out every pore of
my Spit engine, where Castrol GTX had worked fine. The techs at Mobil put it
plainly. What conventional oil sees as a pin-hole, Mobil 1 sees as a drive
through tunnel. 

I've long since switched to Valvoline DuraBlend and occasionally run Castrol
Syntec Blend with no problems. A couple of our club members are running
Castrol Syntec full synthetic with no problems. It could be just one of the
additives packaged in the Mobil 1 that makes it so runny. 

I will throw in just another thought. Synthetic or mineral, oil needs to be
changed at 3 months or 3000 miles, which ever comes first. Once an oil change
runs over a couple hundred miles, contaminants, acids, and moisture start to
accumulate in he oil. 'Nuff said.

Have fun,
Charlie B.
Capital Triumph Register

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