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Re: Which side?

To: "Johnny Storm:- International Racing car driver" <>
Subject: Re: Which side?
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 10:01:05 -0800
Cc: TRIUMPHS@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: <>
Johnny Storm:- International Racing car driver wrote:
> We (hopefully) aren't going to throw away thousands of years of history
> away on a whim. 

Yes, and history is a very expensive commodity to hang onto!

> I'd rather have a monarch than a B rate actor,

> peanut farmer 

Probably the most consciencious (if ineffective) politician the world
has ever known

> or whatever other shysters can become the alternative!!

Come on Johnny, England has their own succession of shyster poloticians
who come in and out of power in your "elected" government.  It's the
"GOD-SELECTED" ones you don't have any control over.  After all wasn't
Maggy Thatcher a particular favorite of old actor Ron Rayguns?

>  The U.S has lax gun laws and a high murder rate, do you recommend us 
>conforming to that as well?

Yeah, we got a gun problem all right.  It stems from the fact that we
have a "BILL OF RIGHTS" that is aimed at protecting the people from the
very government that we elect.  That's kinda paraniod reasoning if you
think about it.

BTW, Johnny, I am still waiting for you to submit your Spitfire data for
the database.  If you don't want your name published on the internet
(and I can understand why you might not) I will respect your privacy and
mark the Name field "Withheld at owner's Request".


Joe Curry   '63 Spit 

> '93 cooper

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