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A/C hoses / Concours

Subject: A/C hoses / Concours
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 22:49:05 -0600
That may all be true Dave, but to the people who care about the 
originality of their car (and I'm not one of them) it would be useful 
if the  supposedly knowledgeable judges would share the benefit of 
their knowledge with the purists so they can get it right. Some people 
do want to make it perfectly original. Why not help them. And, If the 
judges are wrong and can be shown to be, they will learn something too. 
  Not that I'd suggest that people get even slightly bent about judging 
discrepancies.   As you stated, pebble beach is there for that.
> Subject: Re: A/C hoses / Concours
> In a message dated 6/15/2005 1:27:14 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
>> The "who knows" brings up a point that makes counting points at VTR
>> Concours
>> most futile.  VTR refuses to tell those in Concours where points were 
>> lost.
>> So in the above example you may loose 2 points or 30 for that 
>> infraction but
>> you as the contestant will never know.  How can the serious Concours 
>> folk
>> correct what Darrell and his legions feel is incorrect if the scoring 
>> sheets
>> are not given to the contestants?
>> Lou Metelko
> Here we go again.  We hash this out every year.
> Since the judges are volunteers the staff changes from year to year 
> and what
> one guy takes off for an "infraction" will be different from what the 
> last or
> next guy does.  And some guys will miss (or don't care about) an item 
> that the
> next guy will be very critical in his evaluation.
> Handing out score sheets as a guide as to what to fix for next year 
> will be
> ultimately frustrating since the following score sheet will include 
> items that
> will either not be on the previous score sheet or on there with a 
> minimal
> deduct.
> As Darrell has pointed out every year since I started this the most 
> important
> thing is to select the 1st, 2nd and 3rd car in each class.  This is not
> serious concours.  If you want serious concours go to Pebble Beach and 
> pay their
> entry fees.
> Dave

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