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RE: TR3A fuel pump

To: <>
Subject: RE: TR3A fuel pump
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 16:27:27 -0700
>  Being one to have a mechanical pump fail in the boonies, I'll never trust
> one again.

> I've not installed
> my new SU pump yet

LOL, Thanks for the laugh Ed !  I spent quite a few hours in my youth,
riding around with a friend in his MGA.  It was my duty to thump the SU fuel
pump every time it quit.  And that was a pump that was only 15 or so years

The SU on my Stag had been replaced at least once before I got it ... died
completely about a year later.  Contacts burnt to a crisp.

Oh, BTW, "reformulated gasoline" is required by law in most states now ...
and it will 'eat' original SU pump diaphragms.  There used to be a blurb on
Burlen Fuel Systems (the folks who now own rights to the SU name and
designs) about how they now only supply nitrile rubber diaphragms that will
stand up to modern fuel ... but no method given to know if the rebuild kit
you just bought has nitrile in it or not.


PS, I do carry a little Facet as a spare.

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