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Re: Rules and 'Cheating'

To: Roger Sieling <>
Subject: Re: Rules and 'Cheating'
From: Susan and John Roper <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 11:23:08 -0600
Have much enjoyed this discussion, probably because I agree.  I began with the
SCCA in the early 60's.  At that time we believed that talented pilots would be
known by the absense of contact with competitors.  As a former national license
holder, national steward, and runoffs participant, I abhore the current state of
affairs in the SCCA, where many contests more resemble demo derbys than races.
Too much $, too little talent, too few racers who maintain their own equipment,
and too many stewards who have absolutely no concept of what happens on the race
surface.  John

Roger Sieling wrote:

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