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Auto x Timing and Scoring

Subject: Auto x Timing and Scoring
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 10:24:21 EDT
Over the last week-end I did many things probably wrong -as most of us do 
from time to time. I was the Event Chair for a Divisional (1), Locally I've 
been tring to initiate changes in our Timing and Scoring system-Without any 
real computer knowledge-or typing for that matter (2)--And when you mix the 
previous two issues together--You'd find one insane individual at the 
bottom--me. Well luckily I surrounded myself with the best "chiefs of ... " I 
could find---Added an extensive crew of "helpers" locally---added in some 
great racing in almost all the classes--and the timing & scoring system I 
used saved me from TOTAL disaster. I'm done with local, and divisional 
results as of wednesday night. We had a Divisional of 101 entrants and for 
our local event Sunday added 139 drivers to the mix. Auto x Timing and 
scoring made an impossible job possible. Thanks Rob 
Gregg---800-479-4156-------------Guy Ankeny

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