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Re: Huck & CHuck Orders

Subject: Re: Huck & CHuck Orders
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 21:43:14 EDT
John Lieberman writes:

> I sure hope they're better quality than last year's inferior product! 
>  8<{)
>  I had mine firmly affixed to top-quality magnetic material.  But one
>  of them came off at the Meridian NT.  In true Huck&Chuck form, it
>  SHOULD have levitated up off the runway and firmly planted itself back
>  on the car the next time I passed by.  But NOOOO.  It didn't did
>  that!!  Now it's firmly implanted in the bowels of the sweeping
>  machine...probably stuck to the inside of the hopper.

John, please do not blame this incident on alleged inferiority.  It is not 
Huck & CHuck's fault that our decals have good taste.  The decal obviously 
managed to free itself from your car (probably because it was applied over 
oil that had leaked out of that high quality British motor), looking for a 
more sporting ride.  Obviously, it found the sweeper more attractive.  Its 
twin obviously found one of the few panels NOT covered with oil...

Our lawyer, Nathan Therm, of Lye, Cheete, Steele, Gannif, Swindell & Finagel 
will be in touch with you soon.  Or, you can just send the settlement check 
to our accounting firm, Dewey, Cheatem & Howe.

(Old Fartz #3)

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