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Re: Interesting question

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Interesting question
From: bruce haden <>
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1988 07:56:38 -0800
At 05:41 AM 8/20/99 -0700, Jenaro Rodriguez wrote:
>I had something interesting happen at an event last sunday. I run an '83
>RX7 with a stock carb. When I had my car Tech'ed apparently the person
>testing the throttle return spring knocked the linkage out of whack
>causing the secondaries to not open. This has happened to me actually
>twice now. Anyway the car starts up the same but as soon as you get on
>it no power. Of course I didn't notice it until I started my first run.
>My question is: Could I have asked for a rerun due to the fact that the
>problem was caused by the tech inspector? Or is it my responsibility?
>I'm just curious. I didn't worry about it since we were running in the
>rain and the extra power probably was a hindrance. I could see where in
>a important event this could have mattered as I was forced to make one
>of my runs with a crippled engine.
>      Jay
>'83 RX7 CSP
It's your responsibility to make sure your car is up to snuff when 
you pull up to the line. ESPECIALLY now that you know about the
throttle problem. It won't happen again, RIGHT? :) Sounds like your
linkage needs some maintenance work.

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