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Re: more STU stuff

To: <>
Subject: Re: more STU stuff
From: "Brad Cox" <>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 16:24:55 -0500
Oops!  I meant Mcmillan's CRX.  BTW,  congrats!

----- Original Message -----
From: Brad Cox <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 1999 2:20 PM
Subject: more STU stuff

> I think this STU discussion is part of what's neat about the class.  It
> really will be a very open situation.  Some people are worried, but I
> it will need to be this way because of the radical import setups that are
> getting more radical (and common) every day.
> Just for fun, my .0002 cents.  While the cars that have been discussed
> the potential to be some of the fastest things to ever mash a cone, we can
> all aggree that development is about 90% of the equation.  Therefore, my
> proposed car will be based on a platform that's already seen quite a bit
> development.
> My idea of the perfect STU class killer begins with a WELL developed CSP
> (like Mcmillen's civic).  First, make it street legal with a high flow
> Then,  yank the engine and drop in a 1.8L supercharged integra motor (no
> and ~240hp) that weighs only a little more than the 1.6 that's in there
> I'm not sure whether a SC would be better for this application than a
> or not.  That's the beauty of this class!  Now maybe we'll find out.
> with no lag vs 300hp+ with lag.
> You could probably go with bigger/fatter tires/wheels since you have good
> gearing and MUCH more torque.  Install the biggest slotted rotors that
> fit on all 4 corners.  A Quaife LSD and a Type R tranny will help too.
> The cool part is, there are a LOT of cars like this that have been
> to a great extent.  The engine/LSD/tranny side has been taken to a very
> level at the strip.  The suspension/wheel/tire setup for civics has been
> highly developed at the autocross.  Put 'em together right, and it will be
> hard to find anything with a dashboard that even comes close.
> Parts are available everywhere, and they're also seeing an extremely high
> rate of develpment.  Also, I think this is the type of combination
> envisioned by the people involved in developing STU as a class.  Wait a
> minute, isn't that what WE'RE doing???
> -brad

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