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RE: BS Protest

Subject: RE: BS Protest
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 09:50:48 -0400
"Kelly, Katie" <> wrote:

>> Because if it is, it sounds to me like perhaps the protest comittee
>> made a mistake.

>> If Katie's spring perch was in fact in the "wrong"
>> groove, then the car should have been found illegal.

> Katie Kelly's spring perch was in fact found in the "correct" groove, > and
was in the same distance from the end of the shock (plus or minus > any
tolerances in the rules) as on the stock Bilstein shock, supplied > as official
evidence by Kevin McCormick.

Well, that settles that now, doesn't it?

Funny how simple things like this get so distorted in the retelling. This
_isn't_ what was going around the ESP grid on Friday.

So all's right in the world then. The car was legal, the protest comittee was
competent and did the Right Thing. And as for the nature of the protest... if I
can get such simple cut and dried facts as which groove in the shock the spring
perch was in wrong (based on what other people are telling me) then there's no
way, no how, to get complex and subtle facts like the intent of the protestor

So then it's not for me to judge, or to comment on.

Done, finished, and old news.

Great drive Katie; I had hoped to look you up and introduce myself, but an
opportunity never presented itself. Maybe next year.


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