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Nationals dates: Was rain and surface.

To: "Pat Kelly" <>, "Scott Meyers" <>
Subject: Nationals dates: Was rain and surface.
From: "Steve Ostrovitz" <>
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 1999 15:04:48 -0400
A little more than a year ago I brought up the prospect of having Nationals
before the school year started. Yes this is self-serving to some extent
because I teach a few classes part time and hate to give them up. But how
many people do we lose because they can't miss that first or second week of
school? I've always had a sense that a significant number of people on this
list are educators and, of course, college students. Move it to August and
you'll have your 1000 drivers.

And what about the individual/families that don't attend because parents
can't take their young kids out of school so soon after returning from
summer vacation?

I was only able to attend this year because school started early enough that
Nationals fell on the third week of classes, and not the first or second,
making it a little easier to disappear for a while.

An August event would mean I wouldn't have to have Media Services show three
movies and have someone administer a few quizzes while I'm gone. ;-)

Steve Ostrovitz
Flatout Motorsports
CP #71

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