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Re: SS changes

To: "George Lynch" <>,
Subject: Re: SS changes
From: "Kent Rafferty" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 09:06:29 -0400
George, what do you consider older C4's?  

This is strictly my ill-informed opinion, but I'd think the '86-87 
Z51 and 89 Z51 Vette's may be the best autocrossers of the 
C4s.  The 92-95 ZO7 Vettes have done OK with hero drivers 
like Matthew Braun and Ken Mitchell, but they would probably
have done as well or better in an older C4, IMO.  The 96 LT4 
sounds good on paper (great engine), but a number of "serious" 
autocrossers have already bailed on them and gone back to the 
older C4s - the most notable (notorious?) of whom was Ray 
Meeseman, who sold his 96 Z51 and bought an 86 Z51 - he 
claimed it was up to 1 second faster when the cars were run 
back-to-back.  The 96  Z51 suspension was comparable to the 
base suspension on some of the earlier C4s.  

All IMO of course!

Kent Rafferty

> Enough fun.  On a more serious note,  SCCA has split up a 
>lot of cars to make all versions competitive.  I think at least the 
>early C4 should not have to run with the later ones and the C5.

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