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Re: Maps and the "hidden" SCCA membership

To: "Team.Net" <>
Subject: Re: Maps and the "hidden" SCCA membership
From: William Loring <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 13:36:10 -0600

Okay, I'm game. Tell me how many SCCA members don't have a mailbox? Or a
phone? Or don't speak any English? Is there a "hidden" homeless segment of
the SCCA membership? Perhaps there are hordes of homeless French Canadian
autocrossers sneaking across our border under cover of darkness to run Solo
II events in the US? Sounds like something to take up with your local
congressperson! I can see the headline now:


"Eef only I had zee homme, zee SCCA could have mailed me zee course maps
before zee event! Zut!!"

(my apologies to _everyone_ for this, I just thought it was too ridiculous a
scenario to pass up.)

Seriously speaking, does the SCCA have any numbers concerning just how many
of us are plugged in? 70% might be realistic, considering the demographic.
But if I were them, I don't think I'd want a potential 30% of my membership
pissed off at me because there were things that "web-enabled" members could
get online, that they did not have access to. Should we discontinue
SportsCar, and just put all the info on the web? Wait, don't answer that!

>> One final note. Seeing a map beforehand, or even being the course designer,
>> in no way guarantees that you will "read" the course any better than anyone
>> else. Maps ahead of time are of dubious value, at best. IMHO, YMMV, and all
>> that jazz.
> I don't disagree with that in the least.  That's one more reason why I
> think it shouldn't be a big deal to toss 'em out on the web.
Then it should be an equally small deal to _not_ toss 'em out on the web. If
they're of dubious value, why do we want 'em so bad?

Zees iz, all in zee... how you say... fun?

William (I am French, can't you tell by zees outraaaaaaaageous accent?)

p.s. Paul's idea of the Archive of Old Course Maps is a good one. What a
great source of inspiration it could be when designing courses for your
local club! Wanna set it up, Paul? (grin)

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