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More Fiero

To: "Autox" <>
Subject: More Fiero
From: "James Rogerson" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 15:56:45 -0500
It seems interesting that everyone that has discounted the original post, move 
the pre 1988 Fiero to another class, has used the content of the argument in 
that post to contradict the reasons.

For those that can't seem to read:  The only V6 Fiero that is competitive is 
the 1988 version.  Quit making references to how well anyone has done in a 1988 
version.  Prior versions were used as an example of a car model that was 
uncompetitive in class. If the previous versions had a rear bar, you could get 
better results with them.  

The point was the 1.6 Miata is no more compromised in BS than a Fiero without 
suspension is in CS.  

The difference appears to be only to satisfy a large(r) constituency.  And as 
AB so aptly put it, there wasn't, nor is, a ground swell from Fiero owners.  
They all moved to Fiero club events or just off to other things or cars.  

Except for George, I love you man, who is a festering sore that won't heal.

James Rogerson 
[FP #125] - Techless Racing 
"Nails are glue, hypothetically speaking" - Lou Fertile 
"Men that like golf are unhappy at home and incapable of having a meaningful 
relationship with women" - Joseph Heller 

The census records were used in 1941-2 to identify, abduct and imprison 
innocent Japanese Americans. Be sure to fill out yours.  Trust them.

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