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RE: kids riding

To: "'James Rogerson'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: kids riding
From: "Richard Atkins" <>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 15:06:22 -0500
James Rogerson wrote
<       I don't care if we allow infants in car seats along on runs.  However,
when I return to grid in my 'P' car and it's limited side and rear
visibility, I don't want to have to worry about excited little kids, that
just got out of someone else's car, running around in grid while their
driver is checking times, tires or whatever.>

This should be a concern to all of us, God forbid some 8 year old gets run
over by a car in grid, I can see the parents being contacted by
"brother-in-law" lawyer. With the right jury it wouldn't matter how many
wavers the parents had signed. I sure that it would be pointed out that with
additional care the accident would not have happened. If you are the SSS or
officer of the host region, the driver. etc you could be sued personally for
not taking "reasonable" care.

I know YOU would not sue (at least until it happened to your child) but
others may.

Its an adult sport with very dangerous equipment. Lets protect the kids.

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