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Re: Banquet Longevity

Subject: Re: Banquet Longevity
From: Paul Foster <>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 22:22:22 -0400 wrote:

> Just a thought, but why do christians pray before a meal ? Is your food that
> bad? And why do you assume  that buddists etc. also pray before eating? And
> how about us atheists we don't pray at all, and dinner is just fine. :-)

Have you spent much time in other countries? I have and the typical rule
of hand is to follow the local customs within reason. I'm not going to
eat monkey brain under any circumstances but I fail to see why I should
try to make others conform to my own prejudices and beliefs,
particularly when it involves a religious ritual that is practiced by
what appears to be the majority of the residents of the area. But in a
country where the indigenous population of Indians was moved, killed, or
otherwise disposed of I can see where trying to get them to change
instead of simply tolerating them may actually be seen as the correct
thing in a weird PC sort of way.

Paul Foster

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