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Re: [evolution-disc.] Re: Way to finance our Solo2.....

To: "Mike King" <>,
Subject: Re: [evolution-disc.] Re: Way to finance our Solo2.....
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 15:36:22 -0600
Mike King wrote:

> Solo is a sales tool.

Uhh, no. Solo2 is a grassroots _amateur_ competitive sport. Other than the
general PR for the club that all sanctioned events provide, it is NOT a "sales
tool." Attempts to make it such will eventually run off the competitor base
which currently makes the sport viable.

> It is the finest form of advertisement the SCCA has at
> its disposal. I see that fact.

No. You have an opinion. My opinion, and that of many others, differs
substantially from yours. Solo2 does NOT need SCCA subsidy so it can function as
advertisement for other sports. Instead, it needs _management_, so it will
continue to stand on its own. Adding unrelated burdens, such as Pro Solo's
losses, to Solo2's books will accomplish nothing but to cloud the real issue.

Autocross is a self-supporting, independent motorsport that is _indirectly_
related to road racing. Pretending it is otherwise is guaranteed to create a
failure. Many serious autocrossers have the resources, skill, and experience
required to go road racing but compete in Solo2 as a matter of choice.


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