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Re: How to hold car off ground and keep suspension loaded?

Subject: Re: How to hold car off ground and keep suspension loaded?
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 09:02:28 -0700
Seth Answered:

>>I believe I've seen stands for
>>Formula cars that mount in place of the wheels and keep the car
>>high off the ground so you can work underneath and get reliable
>>data. Is there a comparable product for a heavier car like my
>>Firebird? Would it damage the hubs at all to simply place a 
>>jackstand under each hub as an option? Any of you BP/CP guys
>>have ideas on this?
>Tony - The front will be the only problem. On the rear you can raise 
>the car up by the center section of the diff and place jackstands under 
>the outside portions of the axle. The car is then supported on the 
>"virtual" wheels at least on the back. That's h
>ow I raise my newer Camaro to work underneath (unless I am working 
>on the rear suspension) For me, this keeps the rear springs from 
>falling out! If you come up with something for the fronts, let me know. 
>Maybe drive-up ramps? -Seth

The ramps won't work in the front, I really need to get the tires and
wheels out of the way so I can get in and get accurate locations for
each of the pivot points. I can't do that with the wheels on the car
easily. The hubs normally carry all the weight, but they're inside
a wheel when they do it. I'm hoping the heavy metal guys can tell me
if I can rest the hubs directly on a jackstand and not damage them.
Then I could put stands under each corner and keep the suspension
fully loaded and have enough room to measure everything at my leisure.


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