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To: "ba autox" <>
Subject: Registration
From: Dennis Hale <>
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 07:18:17 -0800 (PST)
Says Kevin the estranged;
>This isn't an SCCA forum, official or otherwise.  I
didn't see a personal criticism issued by Jerry.  And
certainly everyone is entitled to their opinion, but
equally certainly all opinions aren't equally

Really? Even I can have an opinion and not be told to
go away? [OK, the exact quote this month is "butt
out", gotta be accurate when fighting with a barrel of
ink, eh?] When did that happen? Are you really sure
about the otherwise part? 
I think we are seeing folks aggressively protecting
their turf not only against NASA but against any non
SFR SCCA concepts. Hey, it's that competitive thing!
Stock classes simply don't provide enough excitement
so trash talk erupts. [That's an unwarrented opinion
testing the above theory.]
And Oh, goody...don't tell John and Charlie about this
open mindedness thing, let's surprise them! [Another

Dennis Hale
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