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Re: brakes

Subject: Re: brakes
From: Croaker the Physician <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 90 14:50:09 PST
   From: Dick Nyquist <>
   Date: Mon, 10 Dec 90 10:19:17 PST
   Mailer: Elm [revision: 64.9]

   After two recent disasters with girling/castrol brake fluid on
   auto paint, I am wondering about changing to "dot5". Will "dot5"
   harm rubber parts in Girling brakes? Are there other pros and
   cons? How bad will it foam? etc  .....   

I use DOT 5 silicone brake fluid in my MGA.  Doesn't harm paint, has a
very high boiling point, doesn't absorb moisture, and is generally
Good, if somewhat Expensive, Stuff.  Two problems with it:  first, it
tends to form tiny air bubbles if poured too rapidly, making bleeding
difficult.  Just pour very slowly and you should be OK.  Second, if
you are switching from Castrol in order to take advantage of the
moisture absorptiuon properties of silicone, make real sure every last
speck of Castrol is out of there...

Happy motoring,

Mark L. Lambert
Architecture Group, Network Products Division
Oracle Corporation

           UUCP:     ...uunet!oracle!markl
           USMail:   Oracle Corporation, 400 Oracle Pkwy 10th floor,
                        Redwood Shores, CA 94065

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