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re: California taxes

Subject: re: California taxes
From: (W. H. Sohl)
Date: 5 Aug 1991 9:54 EDT
>Subject: Re:  California AB 758 & AB 1434
>>What on earth are these bills for? I mean, when do you pay this 
>>tax? When you buy a car? When you have work done to it? When
>>you reregister every year? 
>The purpose of these bills is to help reduce CA's $16 billion deficit.
>Presumably that's why they're both in the tax and revenue code.  I don't
>have any more information beyond what was originally posted but I assume
>the fee increases would be included in the next registration renewal and
>certainly when a transfer of ownership occurs.  BTW, Governor Wilson backs
>both bills.

ARE THESE BILLS NOW LAW?  If so, more detail is needed.  I'm
interested from the perspective of letting members of the 
Vintage Triumph Register (VTR) know about them and the impact they
might have on the ownership of their vehicles.  Specifically the 
following questions come to mind, which to date, seem to be
answered on a speculative basis only:

1 - Is this an annual tax on ALL vehicles?

2 - If it is based on market value, how is that determined?

3 - California now requires that all vehicles, including
those not on the road, be titled and registered.  California
created a special "not on the road" registration some
time ago (I seem to recall that the fee was an annual $5
or so).  Does the new (proposed) tax apply to those
"not on the road" vehicles also?

Any additional information would be appreciated.

Bill Sohl   (K2UNK)            ||  email
Bellcore, Morristown, NJ       ||   UUCP    bcr!taichi!whs70
(Bell Communications Research) ||    or
201-829-2879 Weekdays          || Internet

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